Saturday, June 6, 2009

Martial Arts: Attention Parents

Martial arts has taught me discipline, confidence and pride. My goal is to instill these qualities in your children. I know as parents we are seeking the next Michael Jordan or Babe Ruth, but people such as these are anomalies. Many children have entered this school as shy lambs and emerged as roaring tigers, and others , that were uncontrollable, have emerged to being obedient kids and matured to be productive adults. This takes time, a lot of time, do not be fooled by the notion that because your child is in the martial arts for a month that you will see remarkable changes. These changes take months and sometimes years but with dedication and commitment comes a lifetime of fulfillment.
When your child is involved with any activity , martial arts included, you are also involved, whether it be directly (you are also a student ) or indirectly ( you are their sole transportation). You must continue to encourage your children and not be swayed by their inconsistent moods. I always use the example of the toy they wanted the most. When they first received it, they played and played with it . Within a week it was on the floor in their room, untouched . Within two weeks it was stuck in the closet, never to be seen again. I am sure they have said to you, sometime in the past, that they do not want to go to their academic school. They gave every excuse in the book, I’m sick, I’m tired etc…... What did you say? Did you tell them it was alright or did you tell them they better get their clothes on and get on the bus. I will guess with certainty that it was the latter. You are their parent, they will love you one moment and push you to the brink the next but our love for our children will get us through the day.
This is an worthwhile and important endeavor. This is a commitment both the parent and child must make for us to be successful.
This letter was intended to remind parents of the everlasting rewards and moral accomplishments gained through persistent martial arts training. It is my goal to assist you, as parents, in developing your children both mentally and physically to their fullest potential. We as educators must assist them through their up’s and downs that will occur throughout their lives . I know we will both do our very best.

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